Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy
What is RO DBT?
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) is a new, evidence based treatment targeting a spectrum of disorders characterized by excessive self control, often referred to as overcontrol (OC). It is supported by 20 years of clinical experience and translational research that parallels established guidelines for treatment development.
What does RO DBT treat?
Disorders of over control (anorexia nervosa, chronic depression, treatment resistant anxiety disorders, avoidant, paranoid and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders). RO DBT also treats envy, bitterness, resentment, loneliness, social isolation, compulsive fixing, and over thinking.
What is overcontrol?
Overcontrol is having too much self control. Too much of anything can be problematic.
What is self control?
Self-control is the ability to inhibit urges, impulses, behaviors, and or desires while delaying gratification to pursue a goal.
What are the maladaptive overcontrol core deficits?
1. Low receptivity and openness: manifested by low openness to novel, unexpected, or disconfirming feedback, avoidance of uncertainty or unplanned risks, suspiciousness, hyper-vigilance for potential threat, and marked tendencies to discount or dismiss critical feedback.
2. Low flexible-control: manifested by compulsive needs for structure and order, hyper-perfectionism, high social obligation and dutifulness, compulsive rehearsal, premeditation, and planning, compulsive fixing and approach coping, rigid rule-governed behavior, and high moral certitude (e.g., there is only one right way of doing something).
3. Pervasive inhibited emotional expression and low emotional awareness: manifested by context inappropriate inhibition of emotional expression (e.g., exhibiting a flat-face when complimented) and/or insincere or incongruent expressions of emotion (e.g., smiling when distressed, showing concern when not feeling it), consistent under-reporting of distress, and low awareness of body sensations.
4. Low social connectedness and intimacy with others: manifested by aloof and distant relationships, feeling different from other people, frequent social comparisons, high envy and bitterness, and reduced empathy.
Am I overcontrolled?
Here are some common overcontrolled traits:
-Finding it hard to relax
-Being dutiful
-Thinking before acting
-Overly cautious
-Detail focused, hard working, a perfectionist
-Organized and planful
Is being overcontrolled a bad thing?
Heck no! It is what got us to the moon! Many of our OC traits can be incredibly helpful in areas of our lives like school or work. Sometimes too much of a good thing can be problematic, especially when it comes to our relationships. Ideally what we would like to do is embrace the OC traits that are working well for us and relinquish the ones that are blocking us from living within our values.
What does RO DBT treatment look like?
Formal RO DBT treatment includes weekly individual therapy sessions along with a 30 week skills class. Class is an important part of formal RO DBT treatment. However classes can be attended on their own without RO DBT individual therapy.
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